Leather care is essential to keeping your handbags looking and feeling beautiful. All of our goods are handmade from high quality Italian leather. We take great care in picking out each hide one by one to make sure it is the highest quality for our customer. These include our signature lambskin, calf skins and nappa. Please see below for each item's individual care. - When in doubt, take your bag to a trusted leather repair shop for more help or email us at
Our Italian lambskin is a delicate, ultra smooth and buttery leather with a polished finish. This material is prone to the occasional scratching if not handled with care. The bag can be spot cleaned with a damp cloth, but make sure to pat it dry after. You can also treat it with a leather conditioner to keep it hydrated and beautiful.
For our lighter color leathers, please avoid exposure to dark denim or other dark clothing items that may rub off on the leather. Avoid exposure to abrasive surfaces and store the item in its dust bag.
Our Italian calf leather has a polished smooth finish. This material is prone to the occasional scratching if not handled with care. The bag can be spot cleaned with a damp cloth, but make sure to pat it dry after.
For our lighter color leathers, please avoid exposure to dark denim or other dark clothing items that may rub off on the leather. Avoid exposure to abrasive surfaces and store the item in its dust bag.
Our Italian suede is favored for its warm, velvet feel and high absorbency of rich colors. It is natural for color variations to appear due to the rub of the leather. You can gently remove surface dirt and unify the pile of the fabrication by using a soft suede brush. To maintain richness of color, ensure the bag is stored in their care bags away from any direct light or heat.
A waterproofing spray may help protect the suede from light water contact. Always spot test products first to ensure colorfastness.
Always store your LEMIZ in a clean, dry place and keep out of direct sunlight.